Thursday 2 December 2010

Stage Direction Terminology

Stage Blocking- Stage blocking is one of the most basic and technical elements of play direction. Blocking provides the backbone and structure needed to make other elements a reality. Blocking is the choreography of actors' movements throughout the entire play. If a character needs to exit the scene, for example, the actor must be able to move naturally towards the exit. The director's goal is to come up with a plausible means of getting that actor across the stage and through the door, window, and transporter beam.
Sightlines - A sightline is a 'line of sight' between spectators and the stage or playing area at a venue (for example a stadium or theatre). This is a radial view and a good sightline will allow a spectator to see all areas of the venue stage. It is recommended that the spectator's eye height must be not being lower than 800 mm above the stage.
Stage directions - In theatre, the stage is a designated space for the performance of theatrical productions. The stage serves as a space for actors or performers and a focal point for the members of the audience. To an actor facing the audience, "left" and "right" is the reverse of what they are for the audience.
Upstage - is an open source server-side application that has been purpose built for Cyberformance: multiple artists collaborate in real time via the Upstage platform to create and present live theatrical performances, for audiences who can be online (from anywhere in the world) or in a shared space, and who can interact with the performance via a text chat tool. It can also be understood as a form of digital puppetry.

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